Focusing on Business

The Federal Reserve continues to fiddle with Interest rates. Bonds are resisting and staying in trading range. Oil is going higher. What does all of this mean for the stock market and...

Money Does Not Equal Wealth

We’ve been getting a lot of calls about a rumor that the government is getting ready to convert all money to digital currency…and a fear that one’s cash is not safe. Our money is a fiat currency…backed by nothing. It has value because it is...

Jason Aldean Making Waves with New Video

Jason Aldean is drawing criticism for his new music video and single called “Try That in a Small Town.”  The music video dredges up videos of Antifa from 2020. The left does not want this topic revisited. The President of Stanford resigned over several...

The Market Rally is Broadening

What we have been seeing the the stock market…the market rally is broadening out from largely the tech sector to also include areas such as Financials. We invest in value stocks that typically pay dividends. Those areas are starting to perform well again. We had...
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