Rock Daniels is running for election to the Lexington City Council to represent District 11 in Kentucky. Daniels is on the ballot in the general election on November 8, 2022. We are proud to have him on as a guest for this hour of the Tom Dupree Show. Listen to the Interview on the bottom of this post.
An Interview with Rock Daniels: Candidate for Lexington City Council District 11
We have Rock Daniels joining us today. He’s running for 11th District Council. I’m glad to have rock here because he has been lifting up his voice against what he and I both seem to think are some of the problems around this city regarding the crime wave, but why wouldn’t there be a crime wave if you pull the funding for the police and then you tell the ones that are out there? You know, you can’t do this, this, this and this. It just makes all the sense in the world. Who doesn’t it make sense to… the people running our government!
But let’s talk a little bit about how you got here….
- What makes you interested in in being involved in government because I know your background is real estate. And just tell me how you got going on this?
Answer: Well, I mean, my background goes all the way back to when I was in Bristol, Tennessee. You know, I was captain of my football team wrestling team track soccer. You know, band choir, everything. I was involved with everything. You know, I did go to the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings point New York. And that was in the Naval Reserve up there. I came to Lexington 20 years ago, and I fell in love with the city as soon as I got here, because it was warm, loving, very inviting for a guy that looks like me. And for those of you can’t see me, I’m a tall, half Pakistani, half Italian guy. When I was in Charleston, South Carolina, I wasn’t accepted as well as I was in Lexington. This is a great city to live in. I decided to run for city council because I figured we needed stronger leadership. There were a lot of things that need changing.
- Can I read your August 12 tweet? Maybe you can talk to us a little bit about that. You tweeted, “it’s the wild west in downtown Lexington today. Multiple shootings, just 100 yards from downtown police station and City Hall. We need to wake up.”
Answer: Absolutely! Well, I own property all over downtown, throughout the North side, and the East End. So, I’ve been I’ve been a part of this community and have seen the growth that’s happened in this community. It’s kind of like if John Calipari was only allowed to play three players. And I don’t care if they’re the number one, number two, number three players in the country. They’re not going to win a national championship, because they don’t have a full squad on the court.
We are 112 police officers short right now. We’ve got 150 police officers that are eligible for retirement right now. And we’re not doing anything about it. How scary is that? If these ladies and gentlemen retire, we’re in trouble. And we’re not doing anything about it. We’ve got people in charge, who are sitting there saying we don’t have a problem. The day before the shootings downtown, the mayor was giving her speech about the Breeders Cup at the Fifth Third pavilion. What if that had on that day, while this big speech and ceremony is going on? What if it happens at the end of October and November, when we have six straight days of two concerts a night at the Fifth Third pavilion.
- What qualifies you to be a council member?
Answer: I have a military background. I am invested in the community. I own property throughout the downtown Lexington area. Not only have I served on multiple non-profit boards, but I have also led them as president… unpaid!…..
This is just an excerpt from the interview with Rock Daniels.
Please, listen below to the full audio of this interview by playing the audio below. He expands on his views on budgetary spending and what real investment looks like…..
You can follow Rock Daniels Campaign on Facebook: Campaign for Rock Daniels
Takeaway #1: Many of the current City Council Members do not have a business background. Rock Daniels brings another business voice to the Council that is greatly needed.
Takeaway #2: Rock Daniels comes from a lineage of successful leadership in government. His Father-in-Law was the mayor of Georgetown and was largely responsible for bringing the Toyota Plant to the city.
Takeaway #3: He has sound fiscal strategies that would be welcome to the city council. A $460 Million budget requires a voice of sound budgetary constraint.
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